Boot Camp - Product Management Week 1

Boot Camp - Product Management Week 1

Day 5

Hello my dear readers, welcome to the final day of this week's project task.

From my last post, I talked about wire framing using Whimsical and how we couldn't figure out how to create a prototype that we could test with real life users here. We were asked to use Whimsical you see....."we hit a brick wall" but that didn't stop us, we were determined to complete the task.

We were given the go-ahead to use Figma instead - that for us meant wire framing all over again and then making a prototype. Though it looked like a set-back, we weren't discouraged. Our sole focus was to get the job done.

Working with Figma came with it's challenge; to me and some members of my team it was a new user/ design interface we hadn't worked with before coupled with the time constraint we had on delivering the week's project. But we managed to catch up by learning fast, watching tutorial videos as we were working on our figma board - design phase.

We eventually completed the wire framing and connected the frames together showing the userflow and then proceeded to create the Prototype. Voila, it worked showing the user flow, the changes and additions we put on the app- super happy! We made it people and we were able to submit before the deadline. Yay! So that's it folks for this week's project. Stay tuned to next week's project task-Week 2.

Figma link:
