Bootcamp - Product Management

Bootcamp - Product Management

Day 2

Day 2 started with each of us relating our findings, presenting results of our to-do individually. A lot of collaboration came in here, i absolutely loved the flow between us team mates and we eventually came up with a final draft that was used in the survey form we individually shared to research user's needs, define the needs and problems.

We held our daily scrum meeting - the feedback with respect to number of responses gotten so far from the survey was half as much as we set as a goal but it was a good start nevertheless to move unto the next stage - Ideation. Here we get to brainstorm as a team using MIRO. This is getting interesting, isn't it?πŸ˜…. Our to do - is to first, familiarise ourselves individually with the site for ease of navigation when we come as a team to brainstorm tomorrow.

So wish me speed guys as I familiarise myself with MIROπŸ™‚πŸ™